2018 رسالة مقدمة

Dear Parents,

As the new Principal of Multinational School Dhahran, I joyfully welcome you to an exciting year ahead!

I am joining MNS Dhahran as its new Principal, having spent the last seven years in a range of senior leadership roles in a specialist educational provision and an international school which have developed and changed in order to make remarkable improvements.  The skills and experiences I have acquired whilst working in a range of educational settings have provided my most rewarding and memorable teaching experiences.

I was certain from my first impressions, during my interview, that MNS Dhahran was the perfect choice of school for me as Principal and since arriving in Saudi Arabia, last week, I have been extremely impressed with the school building and staff team I have met thus far.  I am looking forward to working with the whole community in moving MNS Dhrahan towards being an outstanding school that meets individual needs and prepares students personally, socially and academically for a successful future.

We believe MNS Dhahran had many strengths as Doha Academy last year. Additionally, I aim to develop crucial relationships between parents, staff, and pupils. By working together, we ensure children enjoy their time, make progress in all areas of development, and instill lifelong values and skills for success.


  • Aspirations •   Well Being        •Access        •Responsibility      • Ethics

I have high expectations of all the children and staff and it is my intention by working together we can make our school the best it can be.

Parents’ Evening:

We will be hosting our first Parents’ Evening of the year on Wednesday, September 19th, from 2.15 pm to 4 pm. Additionally, any further information about appointments will be sent out nearer the time.

meeting will offer the chance to meet your child’s teacher and share their successes so far. If we haven’t greeted yet, feel free to introduce yourself.

Snacks, lunches and water bottles

Currently, there is no provision onsite to purchase snacks or lunch throughout the day. Therefore, please provide your child with healthy snacks and lunch.

The importance of children drinking plenty of water throughout the day is high.  Please ensure your child comes to school each day with a full water bottle to enable them to stay hydrated and active.  We kindly request the bottles to have ‘pop-up’ type lid to avoid spillages and leaks.

Drinks should be water or squash and not fizzy pop.


For new parents who registered before May 14, 2018, the registration fee will be deducted. Additionally, payment is due before September 2nd; please contact the school to avoid late fees.


We will deliver uniforms soon and notify you when you can collect them. However, if after September 2nd, please ensure your child wears the school uniform colors: navy blue or similar.

Early Finish:

We stagger EYFS children’s finishing time to support their emotional attachment in their first week away from parents.

Sunday – Tuesday: 11am

Wednesday: 12pm

Thursday: usual time of 1.15pm.

I look forward to working closely with you in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Kelly Wilkinson


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