تأخر عودة الطلاب إلى المدرسة

Dear Parents,

The school community greeted the Ministry of Education’s media announcement on Tuesday evening, delaying the return of primary school students, with great disappointment and frustration. We adhered to all guidelines and regulations, prepared for weeks to establish safety protocols, and eagerly anticipated the students’ return.

However, we do have to follow the directives from the Ministry of Education (MOE). Currently, we are not aware of any date set for the students to return to school but are actively in contact with the MOE about clarity on timeframes and other options such as in-school days and increasing these possibilities so that our students may return to school.

We have not received formal communication from the MOE and are responding to the communication in the media. However, we will keep you informed on any further developments.

We apologize for this disappointing news and genuinely hope that we won’t have to delay the return of our students to the school for much longer.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Kind regards,

ميشيل ستيفنز



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