End of term principal’s update

Dear Parents,  

As we fast approach the end of our first year as the Multinational School Dhahran, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given both to your child and to the school.   It is also wonderful to know we are nearing the end of the year with wonderful events still to take place.

This year we have begun many proud traditions, including the regular theme days and events, assemblies performed and conducted by our pupils of all ages as well as continually working with staff and children to develop our school and environment.  I am delighted with how our students’ confidence has developed and positively impacted them socially, emotionally and academically.   We have received many positive comments from the community who feel their child has been ‘engaged’, ‘empowered’ and ‘inspired’ due to the opportunities they have been given access to.

For next year, we have already started to work hard on aiming to improve the school. Examples include contracts that have been put in place for building enhancement work to be completed over the summer; recruitment visits to South Africa and England that took place earlier in the year with many new international hire teachers appointed and joining us from August; further purchasing of equipment and school uniforms plus lots more in the pipeline.

Important Dates & Reminders:

Pupil Registration

Please sign up for next year as soon as possible to guarantee your child’s place. If you have any questions or queries please contact our lovely registrars, Noura and Safa on: admisssions@mnsdhahran.net


The school will be open during Ramadan and the timetable has been adapted to ensure we can still have 5 x 50-minute lessons throughout the day.  Additionally, we will ensure there are fasting and non-fasting rooms for children to access during their breaktimes.

Children can arrive from 8:15am and will start lessons at 8:30am.   The school day will finish at 1:30pm for all pupils.

For those who access our Breakfast Club, it will be available from 7:45am.

Assessment Week

Assessment week for all pupils will start the week commencing May 5th.  A timetable will be arranged and sent home, so you are aware of when the tests are.  This will be sent out next week.  If you have any questions or queries, please contact your Homeroom Teacher.

We will ensure reports are sent home a few days before we host our Parents Meeting on Thursday 30th May from 11-2pm.  More details will be sent to you closer to the time.

Last Day & 2019/20 Calendar

Our current school year will finish for pupils on Thursday 30th May at 11pm.

The new calendar has been set and is available for viewing on the school website. Our pupils are to return on Tuesday 27th August.


International Day – Sunday 14th April

Foundation Stage Two Graduation – Wednesday 17th April

Year 4 Boys Graduation – Thursday 18th April

Open House Event for new prospective parents: Wednesday 17th April from 6-8pm.

Thank you again for your support and cooperation; we hope to see you at our future events and meetings.

Best regards,

Kelly Wilkinson



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