Extracurricular Activities Program – 2019

Dear Parents,

 Welcome to the program of extracurricular activities at Dhahran Multinational School 2019-2020.

This letter aims to inform you about the extracurricular activities offered by Dhahran Multinational School staff for year 1 to year 6 students, starting on the 29th October 2019.

We strongly encourage students to participate in this program as it offers a unique opportunity to meet new friends, be a risk taker and share experiences whilst having fun. This is to assist learners develop holistically by acquiring a variety of skills taught during these activities.

This program enables students to share their skills and fully become part of our international school community.

The students have selected these activities so we hope that everyone will participate. The variety that is on offer this year is excellent and we sincerely hope that all our students will enjoy their time after school.

E.C. A’s will be held on Tuesdays for girls and Wednesdays for boys. The same activities will be offered both days and will take place from 2:15pm to 3:00pm. Please see the attached list for the full range of E.C. A’s offered.

Please note that some activities will require a small fee and popular activities will be offered on a first come first serve basis.

Students will have the choice of choosing another E.C.A in the following semester, after the winter break.

Please note:

We are unable to keep FS children or siblings who are not partaking in the E.C. A’s on site until 3:00pm on E.C.A days as we do not have the staff or facilities to safely monitor them.  They must be collected at the normal time of 2pm.

It is your responsibility to arrange transport for your child and ensure they are promptly collected by 3pm.


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