سنة جديدة سعيدة

Happy New Year and welcome back to semester two.  I hope you all had a rested holiday and are ready to help our children to continue to learn and progress even further.

Parents’ Afternoons: 2-4pm

The school reports are ready from semester one and can be collected from the Administrative Team on Tuesday 15th or Wednesday 16th in the entrance hall from 2.15pm to 4pm.

Report card explanation sessions will be given by myself in the Art Room at 2pm on both days to help understand how the scores have been awarded and how they comply with the Ministry reports.

Teachers will be in touch to schedule a time so please look out for their email.   Homeroom teachers will be in their classrooms and subject teachers will be located in the Multipurpose Hall as well as tea and coffee.

If you are a new parent, please take this great opportunity to meet your child’s new teachers and ask any questions you may have.

الزي المدرسي

A gentle reminder about uniform expectations; please ensure your child is complying with the dress code by Sunday 20th January.


Blue MNS shirts or t-shirts (on PE days)

Navy blue pants, skirts or shorts, jackets and hats may be worn.

يجب تأمين السراويل عند الخصر ، أي لا يمكن رؤية جلد البطن أو الملابس الداخلية.

If t-shirts are visible under the school shirt, they must be white.

Hats / Head Coverings:

Students may not wear hats or head coverings inside the school building during the regular school day unless previously approved for medical or religious reasons. Religious heading coverings must be white, navy blue or black.


Shoes – students must wear sensible shoes for foot protection and hygienic reasons. Footwear should be plain black shoes/sneakers/sandals with black laces. No boots or high heels may be worn.

هذه المتطلبات تساعد على التعلم وتعيين نغمة مناسبة وإعداد الطلاب لمكان العمل الرسمي.

If you require any MNS shirts or t-shirts, please visit the school and Reham, our receptionist, will be able to help you.

Please note: uniform will also be available to purchase during Parents’ Afternoons.

Extracurricular Activities

ECAs will be reinstated from Tuesday 22nd January.

I look forward to seeing you all during the Parents’ Afternoons.


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