أخبار وتحديثات مهمة

No fee increase will be applied to current school fees

I am pleased to inform you that after careful consideration and consultation with parents, the Board of Governors have decided that the fees for the next academic year (2019-20) will remain the same as this year. There will be no fee increase applied for the next academic year. 

Ramadan hours

We are anticipating that Ramadan will begin tomorrow (6th May), therefore, we will start our school Ramadan hours from tomorrow. Children are expected to arrive at school around 8:15am and lessons will start at 8:30am. The school day will finish at 1:30pm for all pupils. For those who access our Breakfast Club, it will be available from 7:45am.

Gentle reminder:

As our school is open during Ramadan and this week is Assessment Week, please ensure your child keeps to their sleep routine as much as possible. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact your Homeroom Teacher.

New international staff

We are currently hard at work securing visas for newly recruited British, New Zealand and South African teaching staff.   We have some wonderful teachers joining our team who have lots of experience and qualifications to further enhance our curriculum and provision we offer our children.   We will send out more information about them over the next few weeks. Watch this space.


If you have not already re-registered your child’s for next year, please do so as soon as possible so that we can ensure they have a place next year. In particular, if your child will be registered in Foundation to Year 2, I would encourage you to do this sooner rather than later as we now have extremely limited places in these classes.  Safa, our new Lead Registrar will be happy to help and answer any further queries. You can contact Safa by emailing admissions@mnsdhahran.net

Kind regards,

K. Wilkinson



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