Important Update – Starting the Academic Year 2021-22

Dear Parents,

I hope you are keeping well and are all back safely if you went on vacation. As previously communicated, we said we would keep you informed about any updates from the Ministry of Education.

Saudi Leader’s instruction: Students cannot return to school physically as planned after recent Ministry conference and communication.. Unfortunately, this restriction applies across Saudi Arabia, and the Ministry of Education is not making any exceptions.

We are requesting permission from the Ministry to allow small groups of students to attend school physically for small group support sessions and assessments. Our Saudi Leader, Mrs. Aljofaish, is in daily contact with the Ministry of Education to discuss our options and obtain their approval for our proposed schedules. Having all our students back in school full-time is crucial, so we will continue daily communication with the Ministry to seek this approval. For now, all our students will remain in Online Learning, except for our Learning Support students with a special concession.

Please note that your child’s teacher will be in touch with more information on the schedules for Online Learning on Tuesday, 24th August. The Board have agreed to offer a 5% discount on fees during the 2 months of proposed Online Learning.

Parent Information Evening

We will host an online Zoom Parent Information Meeting for all parents on Wednesday 25th of August at 17:00. In this meeting, the class teachers will set out the expectations and provide information about our online learning. On Sunday 29th August the Arabic and Islamic Studies Department will host an information meeting for all parents.

Orientation Day

We would like you and your child to meet their new teacher for this academic year. On Thursday the 26th of August we will be hosting a ‘meet and greet day’. This will give you an opportunity to come to school and meet the new classroom teacher. We will follow strict safety protocols and can therefore only accommodate one parent per child. You will receive more information about time slots from the class teacher.

The Ministry has issued a directive that class timings should be from 15:30 to 19:00, which is not ideal for young students and encroaches upon family time. We can change the timings if we can demonstrate that the majority of our parents prefer the timings from 8:00 to 14:00.

Please can you kindly click here to indicate your preference.


ميشيل ستيفنز


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