تحديث خدمة ناقل شركاء الدخول

Dear Parents,

I warmly welcome you and your children to the 2018-19 school year. It was lovely to meet new students coming into the school this week with big smiles, eager to meet their new teachers and friends. This week was all about establishing routines, settling in and building partnerships – this includes between parents and teachers.

The smooth transportation of your children to school forms part of establishing a strong school routine, as does open communication between parents and the school to inform us of any issues that may arise. We thank parents who contacted the school this week to inform us that there had been some issues with the bus service. We took these comments onboard and met with Ingress Partners to see how the bus service can be improved. As a result, Ingress Partners has agreed to allocate more buses and routes to improve the service they provide. Please read the attached statement from Ingress Partners.

We thank you for your patience and should there be any further concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. Alternatively, you may contact Ingress Partners directly on the numbers below:

Bus No. 1: Munir / Shivanka (0500985538)
Bus No. 2: Shakeel / Wasantha (0501395582)

Address and details for Ingress Partners:

Office Tel: +966 13 867 9981 / +966 13 882 7770 Ext. 105
Downtown Complex | King Faisal Road | Al Khobar, KSA

Kind regards,

Kelly Wilkinson


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