Multi’s Got Talent 2019 – Starting 27th February

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is our pleasure to release the Multi’s got talent competition. Our auditions will commence from Sunday 17th February.

Students can participate individually or in teams/bands. They can apply for any talent of their interest including dancing, singing, drama, or playing an instrument through the application form attached with this letter. Accordingly, students will receive a reply slip on Thursday 14th with the allocated time for their audition, which will take place during breaktimes of the following week.

With the support of our respective judges, we will be able to choose the best talents for the final event which will be held in our school campus on 14th March 2019. As for the winning contestants, there will be a special celebration to honour their unique talents. Parents of the winners will be invited to attend our big ceremony on Thursday 14th March. So, Do you love to dance, sing, act or play an instrument


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