يوم متعدد الثقافات

Dear Parents ,

We are pleased to invite the mothers to attend the Multicultural Day that will be celebrated on Sunday, April 14th. Our objective is to teach our students about diversity and cultural awareness in order to promote knowledge of self as well as tolerance to others.

Children will be exposed to different cultures, customs, literature, food, songs and art from different countries around the world. The event will include student performances, international potluck and a global village display area.  Every class will be representing a different country on that day and we will be dressed in its traditional clothes (national costume) according to the homeroom teacher’s choice.

We will appreciate if parents can support us and share some ideas, traditional food, clothes, monuments, instruments, artefacts and display items related to the chosen country to be displayed in our booth.

Furthermore, we will have vendors from various countries selling a variety of items as well as a henna lady.  Plus, there will be a range of activities that teachers and pupils will be organising to support their country’s traditions which will come at a small cost – 5 SAR each activity.

When: Sunday, April 14th

Where: MNS-D Assembly Hall

Time: 10:00 am – 12:00pm

(performances start 10am sharp)

Who: mums and whole school

If you will be able to join us and/or your child has ANY allergies, please inform your Homeroom Teacher by Wednesday 10th April to confirm your attendance. Mums are encouraged to wear the traditional clothing of their country too.

We will be honoured by your presence and we look forward to seeing you all!

Best regards,

Sara Rageh

Islamic Studies Teacher / Events Coordinator

Multicultural Day


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