New Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Dear Parents

Welcome to the new academic year 2020 – 2021, I hope you are keeping well and safe.

In line with the directive from the Ministry of Education we will be starting the school year using virtual learning. We were very successful in continuing our teaching programme during the school closure at the end of the last academic year and as a result of your feedback have worked on making it even more beneficial to your child for the start of this year.

On a further note, the Board have agreed to offer a 5% discount on fees during the seven weeks of proposed online learning.

التعليم الافتراضي

Virtual classes will commence on Sunday 30th of August and the school hours will be from 9:00 – 14:00. Classroom teachers will be communicating with their parents the specific times for lessons as well as sharing the virtual platforms and links they will be using. The online teaching will include small group teaching as well as 1:1 lessons as needed. Your child will need a device such as a laptop, iPad or tablet to be able to access the live online lessons. Our experience has shown us that mobile phones do not work as successfully.

Supporting Online Learning

Each classroom teacher as well as Arabic and Islamic Studies staff will prepare a weekly resource pack of various materials for the students. The resource packs can be collected every Thursday and will include resources for the following week. Collection for these packs on Thursdays will be between 8:30 – 14:30 from the school hall. The resource packs will be labelled with your child’s name and class.

Meet the Teacher

We would like you and your child to meet their new teacher for this academic year. On Thursday the 27th of August we will be hosting a ‘meet and greet day’. This will give you an opportunity to come to school and meet the new classroom teacher. We will follow strict safety protocols and can therefore only accommodate one parent per child. You will receive more information about time slots from the class teacher.

Parent Information Evening

We will host an online Zoom parent information meeting for all parents on Sunday 30th of August at 17:00. In this meeting we will set out the expectations and provide information about our online learning. This meeting will be followed by a meeting with the Arabic and Islamic Studies Department and specialist teachers.

I would like to assure you of our unwavering commitment during the next 7 weeks to ensure that your child receives an excellent quality of education. Additionally, the staff will be at school if you need to meet with any of us. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of our staff if you wish to set up an appointment or if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely,

ميشيل ستيفنز

Acting Principal


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