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الكاتبة الزائرة ، لورا سوموس
كانت لدينا زيارة من الكاتبة لورا سوموس التي نشرت مؤخرًا كتابًا بعنوان قلادة الشمس. ستعمل لورا مع المدرسة في المستقبل للقيام بالكتابة ...
100 يوم من المدرسة
We are planned a celebration to celebrate successfully completed the 100 days of school! This special day will be celebrated on Tuesday Feb 8. This even is a special opportunity …
الاسبوع العلمي في MNS-D
What are the activities? Each class has to do two STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths)activities.One Science fair project. STEAM activities These activities are hands-on and problem-solving activities that …
أسبوع السلامة الإلكترونية
As part of the health and safety programme at MNS-D, we celebrated the E-Safety week in January. During this week, we raised awareness among the children about online safety and …
يوم الشعر المجنون
Crazy hair day is an awareness event that encourages every childcare organization and school to participate. It is a simple concept that allows participants to wear crazy hair styles to …
يوم العربي
At MNS-D, we celebrated Arabic Language Day for a whole week, planning various activities to raise learners’ awareness about the importance and richness of the Arabic language. We conducted different …
اشترك في قائمتنا البريدية واحصل على أحدث المعلومات والأخبار والإعلانات مباشرة على بريدك الإلكتروني!