Parent Newsletter – 10 September 2018

Dear Parents and Families,

I warmly welcome you and your children to the 2018-19 school year. I hope your children enjoyed their first week at school. It was lovely to meet many of you this past week. We are delighted you are now part of the Multinational School Dhahran family and look forward to working closely with you in partnership to ensure your child reaches their potential.

Each week the class teacher for your child/children will send out an email containing a Weekly Newsletter.  This will provide a snapshot of the week’s events, some photographs as well as important announcements and dates.   If you hear any parents say they are not receiving these helpful and interesting newsletters, please ask them to check with Ms. Amanda (registration office) to ensure we have the right email and contact details.

Important Announcements


Uniforms will be available from our Uniform Shop held at the school from Tuesday, 11th September – Thursday, 13th of September. The shop will strictly only be open from 7:50 – 8:50 am and 2:00 – 3:00 pm.   Only females will be permitted to access the school during the morning slot, due to MoE restrictions (see below for more information).

Parents will be able to purchase up to two uniforms for their children this week due to limited stock. We expect more uniforms to arrive by the end of the month with parents being able to purchase more uniforms from October.

Gate Opening Times

We would like to thank all our parents for ensuring their children arrive promptly at school before lessons begin. Below are some instructions for drop off and pick up:

Drop off: Gate 2 will be open for drop off from 7:35 – 7:50 am. Students are to proceed to the playground and will be escorted to their classrooms by teachers after the morning bell.

Please note that Foundation Stage parents may drop off their children directly to their classrooms (females only) while Year 1 – Year 5 students must wait in the playground until the time the bell rings.

Gate 2 closes at 7:50 am.  Any late students are to go through Gate 1 and will need to receive a late slip before going to class.

Pick up: Gate 2 will be open from 1:15 – 1:25 pm for Foundation Stage parents to collect students from their classrooms. Should a child not be collected at this time parents will need to proceed through Gate 1 and collect their children from the Reception area.

Gate 2 will be opened at the same time as the school day ends for Year 1- 5 students, which is 2 pm, as this is the safest and most efficient way for your child to exit the school site.  The gate will close at 2:15 pm.  If your child is not collected by 2:15 pm, you will need to proceed to through Gate 1 and collect your child from the Library.

School Bus Service

We thank all of our parents for providing valuable feedback to us about the bus service being offered by Ingress Partners. We have taken your comments on board and are working with suppliers to ensure that the service offered to parents is improved. As we have updates we will share them with you in separate communications.

Male Visitors

The Ministry of Education (MoE) states male visitors or male parents may only enter the school grounds at pick up times or after 2 pm.   Although our school promotes an ‘open door’ policy, the school must strictly enforce MoE guidelines and instead we will ensure fathers can contact teachers through email and book appointments when necessary. We will also have several events throughout the year where fathers are welcome.

Parents’ Evening

Our Parents’ Evening will take place on Wednesday, 19th September between 2:15 – 4:00 pm.  Teachers will email parents individually. Please respond to these emails so that you can be allocated a time slot to meet with your child’s teacher.

Registration of Student Information and Finger Prints

The Director-General of Education in the Eastern Region has sent a letter requesting that all parents of expatriate children in Saudi Arabia must visit their local passport offices to register the information of their children who attend school and take their fingerprint information. This is to ensure that student information is linked correctly to school registrations.

Please ensure that you have registered your children through a Ministry of Interior approved passport branch as this is mandatory for all non-Saudi pupils.


Kind regards,

Kelly Wilkinson


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