النشرة الإخبارية للمدير

Dear Parents and Families,

How fast the term has gone!   This term we had many exciting field trips, lots of great examples of hands on learning, assessments, and many opportunities for parents to come into the school to witness learning and events such as our magnificent Saudi National Day celebration.   Additionally, it has been wonderful to see the Parent Committee in action with planning, arranging and supporting the whole school with events. The recent Colour Run Day was well-organised, well-attended and was a huge success. I’d like to thank the Parent Committee for pulling the event together and for their support to help make the school and its community the best it can possibly be.  We are looking forward to the Family Fun Day which will take place in the new year.

Important Announcements

Last day of term: 19th December

Our wonderful Student Council members voted and decided that students and staff will be able to dress as movie or Disney characters on the last day of term.   Please send children dressed as their favourite character on 19th December.

Furthermore, to start the holiday on a positive and high-spirited note, to celebrate the children’s hard work and positive attitude towards their assessments they will be having end of semester classroom parties.   More information will be sent by their Homeroom Teacher.

Please note that school will finish early at 11am for all children.

We will resume school on 6th January 2020.

Extra Curriculum Activities:

ECAs will not be on next week and resume on 14th & 15th January.

Parents’ Afternoon/Evening:

After listening to feedback about the timings of our Parents’ Afternoon, we are pleased to announce we are going to extend the time to make it more convenient for families to attend. The Parents’ Afternoon/Evening has therefore been scheduled for Wednesday 8th January from 2:30-7pm.

Your child’s report will be sent electronically (unless they are in FS) two days beforehand, so you have time to access and print it.  School will not be producing paper copies.  Homeroom teachers will send more information and arrange booking times.

Please note that as the assessments are standardised English curriculum assessments we will not be permitting them to go home as they will lose their validity if we wish to use them again next year.  Parents are, however, invited to look at them during their parent meeting although they will not be allowed to take note of the questions.  Please cooperate with us on this matter as it is in the best interest of your child.


Thank you to all the parents for ensuring that their child is wearing the correct uniform, however, unfortunately there are some children who are still not in correct uniform.  From January there will be uniform inspections and messages sent to parents requesting that their child have the correct full uniform. This includes both our PE and daily uniform along with the appropriate shoe attire.

If you require any uniform items, please speak to our School Receptionist Noura. Only females will be permitted to access the school during the school day, due to MoE restrictions. 

As we enter the last week of school before the holiday begins on Friday 20 December, I’d like to thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

The MNS-D family wishes you a relaxing and enjoyable break with your families.

With kind regards, Kelly Wilkinson (Principal)


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