Virtual Learning
Our world has changed and things became different after the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools were closed and we had to adapt to a new way of life and a new way of teaching and learning. Despite the very unusual and unprecedented times in this current situation, our learning at MNS has continued since then, not at school, but at home with the same creativity, focus and passion while making sure each one of our students are safe and healthy.

Our team of dedicated and professional teachers work so hard and continue to support the learning and growth of each and every child. We provide daily live sessions and use different digital platforms to assign tasks and provide the best quality education.
As we continue with virtual schooling this new academic year until further notice from the MOE, our team has been working so hard to get ready for a new year of virtual learning. We have invested heavily in planning, platforms and staff training to enrich the children’s virtual learning journey. Together with a team of compassionate and creative teachers along with the support of parents, we are committed to create and maintain a nurturing and loving environment where our children can learn, grow and experience new challenges while exploring the world around them through virtual engagement.

Our Virtual Learning plan is designed to support our students and parents as much as possible and deliver the best quality of education to our valuable students in the next few weeks. In MNSD, we will use Zoom video conferencing as the main tool for our virtual learning classes, where students have a live and a very interactive interaction with their teachers, ensuring that students get the support they need behind the screen. We will be covering all curriculum subjects, which include English, Math, Science, Humanities, Design and Technology, Art, PE, PSHE, ICT, Expressive Art, Arabic and Islamic Studies.
Alongside Zoom, students will use Seesaw for interactive activities for the homeroom subjects, where students can upload their work, record videos and audios, receiving constructive feedback from their homeroom teacher which could also be done as a recording to ensure that the students keep the live interaction. The digital platforms used, allow us to assign differentiated tasks according to abilities and needs and monitor the child’s progress.
For Arabic and Islamic, we use Google Classroom where our A&I team actively works with our students to complete their tasks and follow up on their activities.
As we know students need a higher level of attention behind the screen, we have planned for both smaller groups and 1:1 sessions with our students when needed, which also includes an in school day for either a 1:1 or a group of students, which will be used both for baseline assessments and individual support. Each year group will be given a specific day bearing in mind COVID-19 safety measures and ensuring that only a small number of students join at a time in collaboration with the homeroom teacher.
Every Thursday, each child will receive a resource pack which includes any teaching and learning materials for the following week including textbooks and copybooks. The resource pack will also include reading books that will be exchanged on a weekly basis.
At MNS-D, we strongly believe that parents are our partners and play an active role in the child’s learning journey. We are all in this together and hence we will support each other and work together to enable our valuable children to achieve their ambitions and reach their full potential. While this is not a journey that any of us could have anticipated, we sincerely hope that we provide our students with the best quality of education, bearing in mind both their educational and emotional needs and ensuring that we support our students’ academic development through lively and interactive sessions.
We look forward to the day where we all get back together and fill our school again with life, laughter and learning!